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Office First Aid Kit Checklist

Nothing lowers workplace productivity faster or more completely than untreated illnesses and injuries. While most illnesses and injuries in the office are not life threatening, they can be painful or uncomfortable, and no one works well while in pain. That's why every office needs a first aid kit. While the quantity of supplies will vary from office to office, the basic contents remain the same. This guide from TonerQuest.com shows you what to pack in your office first aid kit.

First, consider any risks specific to your office.

You should take into account the specifics of your business when packing your first aid kit. For example, if you work with dangerous or irritating liquids, you first aid kit should definitely include saline eye wash, whereas businesses that don't work with dangerous liquids can pass on the eye wash.

Now gather general first aid supplies.

After you gather first aid supplies that address the specific safety risks in your office, you can compile the more general first aid supplies.
These items that should be included in every first aid kit:

adhesive bandages
an elastic bandage
antibiotic ointment
isopropyl alcohol
cotton swabs
instant hot and cold packs
burn cream
adhesive tape

Next, gather medicines.

Over-the-counter pain relievers are also essential components of a well-stocked first aid kit.
Make sure your kit includes:
throat lozenges

Finally, gather first aid implements.

An array of implements with first aid applications should also be kept in your first aid kit:
safety pins

You can gather all the first aid supplies, medicines and implements yourself or take advantage of huge selection pre-packed first aid kits and refills available at TonerQuest.com.
Office safety beyond first aid kits.
There are additional steps you can take to improve the safety and preparedness of your office. While most first aid incidents in the office are not life threatening, heart attacks and strokes do cause serious medical emergencies in the workplace.  Consider keeping an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machine on site, and having at least one person in each department trained to use it. You should also consider having at least one employee in every department trained to administer CPR. The American Red Cross offers the training on using AED machines and on administering CPR. Making the investment could save lives.

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