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Environmentally- friendly?

 Market your green business initiatives.


 Environmentally-friendly business practices save money and make a difference. Going green also provides an excellent opportunity to market your business. Take advantage of the PR opportunity to set your business apart from the competition. TonerQuest.com takes you through the first steps of a successful green marketing campaign. 

Get certified for environmentally-friendly products & services.

Are you aggressively seeking certification for your environmentally-friendly products and services? Eco marketing begins with green-certification and Eco labeling. Go after all the green certification you can. Not sure where to start? The Small Business Association has a great list of independent, credible certifying agencies for a range of industries, including retail, food service, and manufacturing. Once you get certified, advertise! Make sure your customers know that you're running an environmentally-friendly business. 

Show the ways your environmentally-friendly business saves money.

Most business have some environmentally-friendly initiatives to tout, if only because the green way is often the most cost-effective way!
Many of the steps you've taken to reduce labor and overhead costs are environmentally-friendly. Let your customers know you:

  • Cut energy costs with efficient Energy Star office equipment.
  • Cut paper waste with e-mailed invoices, duplex printing or recycling programs.
  • Cut overhead with employees that work from home. 
  • Cut fuel costs with bulk and wholesale deliveries.
  • cut manufacturing costs with recycled & Eco-friendly office supplies.
Embrace and advertise these initiatives. No one wants to hire a company that wastes money, so hammer home the cost-saving benefits of your environmentally-friendly business practices.

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